General literature research and how to find the full text (Zoom meeting)

Inhalt You are already using our catalogue and you are familiar with some of the databases we offer, but you would like to access literature more quickly and more specifically? In this course we will show you how to search library catalogues and databases and how to quickly access the items found in printed or electronic form or via interlibrary loan from other libraries. We also provide you with some guidelines for evaluating the quality of the retrieved information.
Datum 15.03.2024  08:30-10:00
Veranstaltungsort Online,  Zoom  Meeting
Referent Hempel
Zielgruppe Studierende
Vorkenntnisse Studierende
Sprache English
Treffpunkt You will receive the login data for the meeting via email in advance.
freie Plätze 20
Anmeldefrist 13.03.2024